Secure page – Termination of child support

Welcome to Hoopis Family Law Paperwork Access page for “Termination of child support”. Simply follow the steps below to move your case forward. We have provided a video to help you with your DR6 form. We have also provided an Upload Documents tool for you to send the attorney documents like copies of all birth certificates born to the parties of the case. 

Definition: In Rhode Island, child support does not automatically terminate when a child reaches eighteen years old! Termination of a child support order is not automatic in RI! A child support order will only terminate if a motion to terminate child support is granted by a judge of The Rhode Island Family Court. 


Call 401-338-1983 with any questions. Also we offer a Live Chat feature located at the bottom of the page. 

Clear Signature

Please remit your payment by clicking the secure payment page link below. An explanation of the fee will be explained. You will need to pay $2500 fee for this flat rate legal service.

Make Secure Payment 

Please click the link below to view the DR-6 Form. This form needs to be filled out and “NOT SIGNED” but returned to the attorney. You can fill the document out online (Fillable Form) You can download & print and use the upload feature on this page. Also you can select the icon to the right of the print icon to open in fillable form. WATCH VIDEO BELOW FOR HELP FILLING OUT THE FORM.

Click to View Fillable DR6 Form

Please forward a certified copy of your ​child’s birth certificate; if you do not have one in your possession, copies can be obtained for a fee from the City/Town clerks where ​you lived when your child was born or the Rhode Island Department of Health. (You can use the Upload Documents Tool on this page to send to the attorney)

Upload Documents
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


After these initial steps, we will be prepared to schedule a meeting to sign your miscellaneous complaint / Motion, DR 6 Form and prepare all of necessary filing requirements. Once you submit the items listed above, the office will contact you to schedule an appointment.