Welcome to Hoopis Family Law Paperwork Access page for “Uncontested Divorce”. Simply follow the steps below to move your case forward. We have provided a video to help you with your DR6 form. We have also provided a Upload Documents tool for you to send the attorney documents like a copy of your Marriage Certificate.
Call 401-338-1983 with any questions. Also we offer a Live Chat feature located at the bottom of the page.
The cost for this service is $2500 which includes $145 filing fee and $50 constable fee. If you answered “Yes” to all the above questions and would like to move forward with a flat rate uncontested divorce please click the below secure payment button, where you will enter your contact information and submit a payment of $2500.00 to receive via email a link to download your required documents. At any point during this service you can speak directly to Attorney Jennifer Hoopis D’Ambra – this is a starting point to begin your uncontested divorce.
Please click the link below to view the DR-6 Form. This form needs to be filled out and “NOT SIGNED” but returned to the attorney. You can fill the document out online (Fillable Form) You can download & print and use the upload feature on this page. Also you can select the icon to the right of the print icon to open in fillable form. WATCH VIDEO BELOW FOR HELP FILLING OUT THE FORM.
Please make sure to use our secure upload documents tool to send the attorney Marriage certificate and birth certificates applicable with your case.
What Happens Next?
After I receive the items above:
- I prepare all documents related to the filing of the Complaint for Divorce including the final version of the DR6 Financial form
- The client must sign these documents along with their DR6 form before a notary public (we can send them or they can sign them with a notary at my office)
After the court documents are signed, the case is filed with the court, the court processes the filing which includes assigning the date for the nominal divorce hearing and issuing a summons.
The summons is served to the defendant (the client’s spouse) by a constable. This can be done by appointment.
If the opponent party participates then a written divorce agreement called a Marital Settlement Agreement is prepared, circulated and signed before a notary public. Just before the hearing the Marital Settlement Agreement will be filed with the court and the client will be prepared for their brief testimony in the court hearing which is presently being conducted virtually via WebEx.
If the opponent does not participate they will be defaulted. To prepare for a hearing in which the defendant is defaulted, two affidavits are prepared for signature before a notary public – one by the client and one by a third party witness who can attest to the clients residency in Rhode Island. Just before the hearing, the Affidavits will be filed and the the client will be prepared for their brief testimony in the court hearing which is presently being conducted virtually via WebEx. The client must also have a third party witness participate in the hearing. The third party witness is also a witness who can attest to the clients residency and the grounds for divorce.
The hearing consists of testimony and lasts approximately 15 -30 minutes.
After the hearing a court order reflecting the judge’s decision is prepared and filed.
If there is a distribution of retirement assets the Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is prepared by separate counsel at a fee of approximately $250 per party per QDRO.
After the statutory waiting period of 2-3 months (Depending on the grounds for divorce) passes, the Final Judgment is prepared and filed.
The client is provided all documents signed by the judge and the case file is closed after the QDRO and Final Judgment have been entered and processed.